Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The Will has so much power, it has a name: willpower. An individual may will a harmful habit, then decide to reduce the harm. Changing habit requires a strong willpower. Since it is the same individual, the willpower was always there, but not used!

This suggests that the Will and its power may originate elsewhere, since everyone has it. Strong purpose leads to a strong will. Weak purpose means a weak will. It is used by each individual  according to their feeling of purpose.

It takes willpower to stick to a goal. Unfortunately, Will may be so strong that negative results are neither perceived or accepted. (Narrow perceptions mean narrow purpose.)

Will often just acts—if it "feels" right, results may be accepted as right when fundamentally wrong. In the weakness of addiction, for example, the will gives power to the addiction. Please note that the source of power—either maintaining the addiction or deciding on less harmful behavior—is the Will. It is very hard to decide to modify or change any habit, much less addiction—it takes a willpower stronger than the force of habit..

"Willpower" and "force of habit" are really the same thing. Which is supported? What does the Will want? Will chooses, willpower acts.

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