Sunday, February 15, 2009

Believe in something

Act in agreement or in opposition, but always in agreement with what you believe—IF IT HAS BEEN PROVEN TRUE. Always act for your own best interests, which most do, but with a view that, in the long run, is against their best interests. Any way, believe in something, IF IT  HAS BEEN  PROVEN TRUE!

W's confusion

George W. Bush, and as I understand, Cheney and Rumsfeld, said that the promotion of democracy was a primary reason for invading Iraq. If they don't understand democracy, how could they promote it?


Actions are taken “in the spirit of the thing.” Spirit is considered insubstantial, sometimes even ghostly, yet spirit as a feeling or an attitude is real. 

Which is more important: appearance or behavior? Which is more real and substantial, the physical body or the spirit that controls the shape, position, actions, appearance, health, and communications of the physical body? Which proves more meaningful?

It is:the spirit in which actions are taken (or not taken).

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Habits that don't work, use the Labyrinth of the Spirit

To review habits that might not work, open the door to the Labyrinth of the Spirit 
by searching in the browser for the web site:

Robert Burns' Quotation

Ye hypocrites, are these your pranks?
To murder men, and gi'e God thanks.